
Coat and skin problems in your dog

Vacht- en huidproblemen bij je hond

What You Need to Know About Your Dog's Coat and Skin Problems

Denkadog understands how annoying skin problems are for your dog. That is why we try to help you as an owner and your loyal four-legged friend with solid information. For example, we can share the following with you in this area.

  • The dog's health is reflected in its coat;
  • The causes of skin and coat problems are often parasites, food allergies or inflammations;
  • Dandruff, a dry or greasy coat and bald spots are signs of an unhealthy coat;
  • You can also maintain the skin and coat by washing and brushing (in moderation!);
  • Crocque Derma Protect is food for dogs with a poor coat.

These are some important elements if your dog has coat and skin problems.

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Various skin and coat problems that your dog may suffer from

The health of the dog is reflected in its coat. Skin problems in dogs are common. The problems are often combined with coat problems. The coat is the largest organ of the body and if it is not doing well, this is immediately visible. The symptoms of coat and skin problems are very diverse, but fortunately often easily recognizable when you examine your dog. We often see itching and scratching as a result. You then see a dull coat or a coat with an excess of white flakes and possibly baldness. There is then a chance that your dog has been suffering from coat and skin problems for a long time.

Denkadog Crocque Derma Protect

Symptoms of your dog's coat and skin problems

As mentioned earlier, there are several symptoms your dog may exhibit with coat and skin problems that are easy to recognize. Signs of poor skin, coat or skin conditions include:

  • Redness
  • Bumps with crusts
  • Bald spots
  • Ear infection
  • (White) skin flakes
  • Thick, greasy, smelly coat
  • Excessive hair loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Irritations: scratching, licking and/or biting

Causes and Solutions to Your Dog's Coat and Skin Problems

What is the reason for your dog's coat and skin problems? How do you solve skin problems in dogs? Where do you start? You can usually take the first steps yourself.


Very often parasites and especially fleas (other parasites are rare) are the main cause. Much less frequently we see scabies, mites, fungi, bacteria and yeasts. These conditions are mainly recognizable by the incessant itching and scratching of the belly and back. In the groin and on the belly you have the greatest chance of finding a flea. In this case it is wise to start an anti-flea treatment. The pet shop and veterinarian offer good products and guidance to control the fleas in order to prevent a plague.

the different skin and coat problems in dogs

Food allergy or food intolerance

If no fleas or parasites are found, food hypersensitivity can be a cause of a bad coat and/or skin. The dog will then lick itself a lot, especially on the paws and toes, due to the itching caused by the allergy. Redness in the armpits and groin are also skin problems that indicate a food allergy in your dog. Some dogs may also have diarrhea.

Some dog food contains animal proteins, usually beef or chicken. Many dogs and cats are allergic to these animal proteins. An allergy to grains such as wheat, barley or oats is much less common. This is contrary to what many people think. An allergy to rice or corn is really very rare in dogs.

Choose a different diet if you have a food allergy or food intolerance

In the case of a food allergy, it is wise to choose a different diet. The current diet is probably not sufficient. Spreads, powders and pills will not remove the cause. Your dog needs a good hypoallergenic, natural dog food without the animal proteins that cause the allergic reaction and skin problems. Usually , food for your dog with only lamb, fish or so-called hydrolysed proteins, from fish for example, is sufficient to prevent these problems. The body then does not react excessively to proteins as it does to beef or chicken proteins. There are then no more symptoms. Hydrolysed proteins are not recognisable by the body because they are very small. Your dog's body therefore does not take action to remove them via the immune system, with the result that there are no more allergy and skin problems. For example, choose Crocque Derma Protect . This food is namely specially for dogs with a bad coat.

Read the blog “Solving Food Allergies with the Right Diet” for more information

Inflammations and tumors

Inflammations, warts and so-called 'hot spots' are common in dogs. Hot spots are local inflammations in the skin. Warts and pimples look the same as in humans. Usually nothing is done about this and they disappear by themselves. Tumors should be assessed by the veterinarian for proper expert advice.

Hotspot in dogs

Hotspot is a local skin inflammation that the dog causes itself by licking, biting and scratching. Hotspots in dogs are common and are characterized by their sudden onset. There is no directly identifiable cause for this type of skin problem in your dog. A number of breeds seem to be more sensitive to hotspots than other breeds. Long-haired dogs, but also Labradors, for example, are more sensitive to hotspots. If hotspots occur regularly, it is a good idea to try a hypoallergenic diet, such as Denkadog Hypo-Allergic .

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Other problems

Sometimes parasites, food allergies or inflammations are not the cause. Still, your dog continues to suffer from bad coat or skin problems. What is the problem and how do you solve this?

White skin flakes

Dandruff in dogs occurs when the skin sheds more than the normal amount of dead superficial skin. This can be caused by a disturbed growth of the skin from the inside. After all, the skin is built up from the inside. If the external conditions are bad, this can also cause a flaky coat. A number of breeds may have more coat-skin problems due to hereditary conditions.

Dry or oily coat

In a large percentage of dogs, the coat does not feel nice and even stinks. There may be a lot of white skin flakes or the coat feels very greasy and stale. In these cases, it is easy and sensible to change food. Food is the basis of the body's health and health is reflected in the absence of coat and skin problems for your dog. It is not always possible to determine why a type of food does not work well for a certain dog. Often it is poorer quality food that causes a bad coat. You can assess the result approximately six weeks after changing the food. If the coat does not respond sufficiently, a visit to the vet is sensible.

Hair loss or bald spots

Shedding or hair loss in dogs is one of the most common complaints from dog owners. One dog may shed more of these types of skin problems than another dog. It is good to make a distinction between normal shedding (molting) of the dog and hair loss as a result of illness. Baldness is usually a result of scratching or rubbing and this in turn is the result of itching.

Not all hair loss indicates skin problems for your dog

By nature, dogs are set up to live with the outdoor climate and seasonal changes. Nature has invented the moult for this. A dog will replace its coat twice a year, when the season changes. This causes a lot of hair to be shed. At the same time, new hairs grow in its place. This process is set in motion by signals such as daylight, length and temperature. The moulting period lasts a few weeks, because it takes six weeks for the coat to be replaced. The moult is a natural process and is therefore nothing to worry about. However, a good standard diet such as Denkadog Excellent Croc will support health to get through the moulting period faster.

Baldness from Shaving (Post Clipping Alopecia)

Some breeds can become bald after a shave or a very short cut. Fortunately, this does not happen often and eventually the hair will grow back. This can take up to two years. This is most well-known in the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute, but it is also known in the Samoyed, Chow Chow, Keeshond, German Shepherd, Labrador and Golden Retriever.

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Properly maintaining the skin and coat prevents skin and coat problems in dogs

Prevention is always better than cure. So if your dog does not suffer from coat or skin problems, it is wise to maintain your dog's coat as well as possible. The question remains: how do you do that?

To wash

The dog coat naturally keeps itself in balance and does not need to be washed very regularly. Washing twice a year should be sufficient. If you want to wash, do this with a shampoo that does not contain soap, or is PH neutral. Then the healthy natural layer of fat cannot be removed. Your dog's skin will not dry out and skin problems such as (white) dandruff will stay away. A PH neutral shampoo has an antibacterial effect and kills yeasts present in the coat. Yeasts cause a greasy and smelly coat. Administration is also useful for treating places where there is an inflammation (hotspot). Using a lot of shampoo or using a strong degreasing shampoo can dry out the skin and coat. This can cause a dog to scratch, causing skin inflammation.


How often you should brush your dog's coat depends largely on the breed. Not every breed needs to be brushed. So don't do it unless the coat has tangles. Combing or brushing too much and too intensively irritates the skin, which reacts with rapid hair growth and sometimes also with the production of skin flakes. In addition, excessive brushing can lead to excessive sebum production in the coat, which can cause the coat to smell. Therefore, pay close attention to how the coat reacts to brushing.

Healthy coat

A healthy coat is maintained by a good blood supply. Through movement and temperature differences (outdoors and indoors), the skin is well supplied with blood and remains active. In the general health and prevention of coat and skin problems, movement in the open air and the sleeping place of your dog play an important role. The skin cells are provided with the right nutrients and remain healthy with the right food to make the hair grow and to create a protective layer on the skin. The skin helps to prevent infections from outside. A cool, dry, clean sleeping place also helps to point out the skin's function.

Proper nutrition prevents coat and skin problems in your dog

With the right food, you can prevent and solve many coat and skin problems in your dog. After all, prevention is better than cure and also cheaper. Choosing the right protein source is particularly important for a food allergy. Denkadog has various foods that support dogs with a food allergy. For example, Denkadog Hypo-Allergic only contains animal proteins from lamb. Denkadog Hypo-Sensitive is a food without animal proteins and the proteins in Denkadog Micro-Protein are 'cut' into very small pieces so that the immune system does not recognize the proteins. As a result, there is no allergic reaction. Furthermore, for other skin and coat problems, the quality of the raw materials (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins) in the right proportions, such as minerals and unsaturated omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, is very important. Denkadog Croque Derma Protect and Diner Derma Protect were developed for this purpose. By providing high-quality food, the quality of the coat improves and the natural moulting will proceed more quickly.

To be able to judge the result properly, you should definitely give the new food for 6 weeks in a row. It takes at least 6 weeks for the skin to renew itself. This is the same with your nails. When preventing or solving coat and skin problems, also pay attention to how many and which snacks or chews your dog gets, in addition to the standard food. Too many snacks will throw the ration out of balance. If your dog still has a bad coat after 6 weeks, a visit to the vet is advisable.

Buy our dog food to support your dog's health

If a dog has coat or skin problems, food often brings relief. The right dog diet ensures better health and you will quickly see this reflected in the coat or skin of a dog or puppy. Skin problems for your dog means that the animal is suffering from the largest organ of its body. You can do something about this by choosing dog food from our webshop . Let our products also help you with other health problems, such as a puppy that spits up bile .

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