Blogs & Advice

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Welk hondenvoer bij overgewicht

Which dog food for overweight

Choosing the right dog food is always important, but even more so in the case of overweight. Then it is important that your dog gets all the necessary nutrients, but with a low calorie count. At D...

VoedingsadviesVegetarische en veganistische hondenvoeding

Vegetarian and vegan dog food

Vegetarian and vegan dog food Vegetarian and vegan dog food is a trend in human nutrition. We are now also seeing this trend in our pets. Our vegetarian food is suitable for all adult dogs. This fo...

VoedingsadviesOvergewicht bij honden hoe los je dit op?

Overweight dogs, how do you solve this?

Solving Obesity in Dogs The first advice from our vet when losing weight is to exercise enough to promote weight loss. Secondly, a good diet is important. Also pay attention to the snacks that are...

VoedingsadviesHypoallergeen hondenvoer

Hypoallergenic dog food

What is hypoallergenic dog food? Hypoallergenic dog food is dog food that has been specially developed to prevent allergic reactions in dogs. Hypo means little or none. Allergen in this context ...

VoedingsadviesGraanvrije hondenbrokken

Grain free dog food

Grain free dog food Grain-free dog food is becoming increasingly popular. Trends play a role in this. In America, there has been more attention for grain-free dog food in recent years. Dogs that ...

GezondheidBorrelende darmen en buikpijn bij de hond

Gurgling intestines and abdominal pain in dogs

Facts About Your Dog's Gurgling Guts and Stomach Aches We are happy to help you provide the right information for gurgling intestines and stomach pain or if your dog has stomach problems. Denkad...

VoedingsadviesVoedselallergie bij honden

Food allergy in dogs

Solving Dog Food Allergies with the Right Diet Solving food allergies in dogs with the right nutrition. Allergies are often directed at animal proteins in food. Hydrolyzed proteins in dog food...