Blogs & Advice

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Welk hondenvoer bij overgewicht

Which dog food for overweight

Choosing the right dog food is always important, but even more so in the case of overweight. Then it is important that your dog gets all the necessary nutrients, but with a low calorie count. At D...

PuppyWat mag een puppy eten?

What can a puppy eat?

What can I actually feed a puppy? The question is often asked: what can a puppy eat? Providing good nutrition is important and it already starts when your dog is a puppy. The right food compositi...

VoedingsadviesVegetarische en veganistische hondenvoeding

Vegetarian and vegan dog food

Vegetarian and vegan dog food Vegetarian and vegan dog food is a trend in human nutrition. We are now also seeing this trend in our pets. Our vegetarian food is suitable for all adult dogs. This fo...

VoedingsadviesOvergewicht bij honden hoe los je dit op?

Overweight dogs, how do you solve this?

Solving Obesity in Dogs The first advice from our vet when losing weight is to exercise enough to promote weight loss. Secondly, a good diet is important. Also pay attention to the snacks that are...

GezondheidStress en angst bij honden, hoe ga je ermee om?

Stress and anxiety in dogs, how do you deal with it?

What You Need to Know About Stress and Anxiety in Dogs The right nutrition can reduce stress, such as Denkadog Hypo Stress-Digestion with natural substances that reduce stress There is a dif...

GezondheidArtrose bij honden, wat houdt dit in?

Osteoarthritis in dogs, what does this mean?

What You Need to Know About Osteoarthritis in Dogs The best way to treat osteoarthritis is with special nutrition, such as Denkadog Joints Care , and a good rest and exercise pattern. Osteoart...



What can a Dalmatian eat? Food free of animal products, vegetarian food, is preferred for a Dalmatian. A Dalmatian has a chance of urate crystals in the urine and can therefore best eat food witho...